© 1977 by Lowell C. Freeborn
This manual was prepared for the purpose of helping anyone interested in the servicing of carbide-tipped circular saw blades. If it helps in any small way, it will be most gratifying to the author.
As I write this it is 2010 and this book is thirty-three years old. It is still an extremely good book and is much better, in many ways than anything else available.
The copy I had to work with is a copy of a copy and so on. I have used as much original material as possible. I think the saw blade pictures are sufficient especially since the accompanying drawings are excellent.
I have never had the pleasure of meeting Lowell Freeborn but several things have become clear in this project. He has a true gift for explaining very complicated matters in a very simple and clear manner.
Much of this book is dated. The metric / inch conversion tables use the old conversion figure and many of the carbide companies referenced are long gone. I have included only the chapters that are still relevant. If you wish I will be happy to email you a complete copy as a pdf upon request.
Thomas J. Walz
Northwest Research Institute, Inc. / Carbide Processors, Inc.3847 S. Union Ave.Tacoma, WA. USA 98409800 346-8274Ph (253) 476 1338Fax (253) 476 1321president@carbideprocessors.comwww.carbideprocessors.comAll prices are in USD Copyright 2025 Carbide Processors. Sitemap | Website by oBundle