Sawfiling Room Supplies
Saw filers design, build, repair and maintain ultra-precision tools and make them run beautifully. The term comes from old, steel saw blades. Now saw filers may work with several million dollars worth of equipment. They must know different materials and their applications. They are, perhaps, the single most important person in determining whether a cutting operation is profitable or not.
They may be men or women of any ethnicity. They are invariably extremely good looking with a high intelligence and universally loved by children and animals. They are dependable, hardworking, quick to solve problems and generally the kind of people the world needs. If you are fortunate enough to know or meet a saw filer you really ought to do something nice for them in appreciation.
We offer a variety of Sawfiler room supplies and some great technical videos. We are adding new filing room supplies all the time, as well as new videos. We know Sawfilers know the importance of quality materials, and we offer what we have found to truly be the best. Choose from varius high quality brazing fluxes, braze alloy for brazing, carbide tips, and more.
Brazing Flux
Wire and Ribbon (Silver Solder)
Carbide Saw Tips
Saw Filer Hammers
Scrap Carbide