© 1977 by Lowell C. Freeborn
This manual was prepared for the purpose of helping anyone interested in the servicing of carbide-tipped circular saw blades. If it helps in any small way, it will be most gratifying to the author.
As I write this it is 2010 and this book is thirty-three years old. It is still an extremely good book and is much better, in many ways than anything else available.
The copy I had to work with is a copy of a copy and so on. I have used as much original material as possible. I think the saw blade pictures are sufficient especially since the accompanying drawings are excellent.
I have never had the pleasure of meeting Lowell Freeborn but several things have become clear in this project. He has a true gift for explaining very complicated matters in a very simple and clear manner.
Much of this book is dated. The metric / inch conversion tables use the old conversion figure and many of the carbide companies referenced are long gone. I have included only the chapters that are still relevant. If you wish I will be happy to email you a complete copy as a pdf upon request.
Thomas J. Walz
Northwest Research Institute, Inc. / Carbide Processors, Inc.3847 S. Union Ave.Tacoma, WA. USA 98409800 346-8274Ph (253) 476 1338Fax (253) 476 1321president@carbideprocessors.comwww.carbideprocessors.comAll prices are in USD Copyright 2025 Carbide Processors. Sitemap | Website by oBundle
e, but the one adaptor allows me to use annual cutters in an older mag drill, several different drill presses and milling machines without having to own separate adaptors with shanks that match several morse taper sizes and R8 tooling. Read LessRead less about This is a well machined adaptor that
e Ridgid cast iron table and the Incra fence per the Incra directions. It all works really well. The set up took a little while but it’s sweet! I have done probably 50 cuts and each time I measure with a caliper and it’s dead on front to back on the board I am cutting. I think I am within .004 between blade and fence discrepancies. So for a Ridgid R4512 I’ll take it. Now I have a $1000 package that can hang in terms of accuracy with a nicer cabinet saw. Read LessRead less about So I added the TS-LS 32” to my
, the deal was too good to ignore and figured I would challenge any irregularities with the credit card company later. I also located a coupon code that made the price unbeatable. It must be stated, the expected delivery time on this particular unit was 6 weeks out, adding to my concern. This is the same time frame advised on the Incra web site as well. At probably 5 weeks, I was thrilled to receive delivery notice emails. The large unit came in pristine condition and packaged extremely well. I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BUY FROM CARBIDE PROCESSORS IN THE FUTURE. Thank you for the fantastic deal! Read LessRead less about I had been looking for several weeks