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Machine Coolant Filter Systems Customer Reviews

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Machine Coolant Filter Systems Customer Reviews

Customers Love Our Machine Coolant Filtration Systems

We have been able to solve many problems and save many customers money on Machine Coolant and equipment costs with our Machine Coolant Filter Units.  Take a look at some of our articles to see the difference that filtering your machine coolant can make or take a look at some of our customer reviews.


 “The air in the office doesn’t seem to have that oily smell anymore”

Kathie Rundstrom

co-owner of Paso Robles Carbide in California


“The grinds are smoother, our wheels stay cleaner, and the oil and grease on our machinery is less than it was.”

Alistair Moore

Shop Foreman at Cal Saw Canada in B.C.    (They now own 3 of our units.)


“ I don’t have to clean my glasses as often as I did before.”

Greg Sprague

Head Sawfiler for Potter Lumber in New York State   (They’ve had their system 4 months.)


“in approximately an hour, the color of the coolant went from dark gray to green.”  He was amazed at how fast and efficient his system was, and could hardly wait to tell us. 

Scott Whiting

Scott’s Sharpening Service in Arizona. 

Scott is the proud new owner of our model CP2002 that he just began using.  We would guess that Scott is really proud, ‘cause he took time out from his busy schedule to tell us that on its maiden voyage, he filtered coolant that had been used to grind about 95,000 saw teeth! (1583 saws.)


“I designed an excellent unit, an exceptional unit.  Every unit is built really well.” 

Isak Rossovsky, Engineer

Head of Research and development

Northwest Research Institute, Inc / Carbide Processors, Inc.