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Filter Changing Procedure

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Filter Changing Procedure

Machine Coolant Filtration Units

Filter Change Procedure
For CP 2002 (incl. Wall Mount) & CP 2020


Below are step by step procedure for changing the filter on our CP 2020 and CP 2002 Machine Coolant Filter Units.  For more information on our filter Units take a look at our Machine Coolant Filtration section or take a look at our article on how ofter to change filters.



If you close the valve before you turn motor off you will not have to re-prime


Turn the drain at the bottom and water will run out


Break the filter seal with the wrench


Unscrew the filter housings by hand. Be careful The cartridge side is full of coolant


Bag Support basket. Do not throw away Replace if bent


Do not change filters too soon. When full cartridges have a crust about 1/2” thick. Bags weigh app. 3# and have a 3/4” crust.


Make sure the new bag is pushed all the way down in the bag


Cartridge on the left and bag on the right


Make sure “O” rings are not pinched. A little lubricant such as Vaseline will help seat the rings


Seat the “O” rings completely


Screw the canisters on by hand


Tighten the canisters until you feel the “O” rings compress.


Change filters monthly. You can go longer but the waste packs tight and makes the filters really hard to change. Use genuine Carbide Processors filters. The right filter is critical. It is the difference between a month of good filtering or a couple hours of bad filtering.  Call us toll free at 1-800-346-8274 to purchase filters or Coolant Filtration Units.