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Glue Joint Rip Saw Blades

Popular Tools Glue Joint Rip Saws are made for ripping solid wood and leave an extra smooth, glue-ready cut.  All Popular Tools Glue Joint Rip Blades have a 20 deg. hook anlge and are intended for rip cuts only. These blades can be bored out to fit most gang rip saws. Please Contact Us for information and price on this service.

Popular Tools combines the finest materials with precise manufacturing and great attention to detail to create some of the best rip blades you can find.  Each blade must pass a strict quality control and is made with the flatest plate, thick carbide teeth to endure more sharpenings and yields a run out of .002" or less


DiameterTeethBoreKerfPlateDesignHookPart #
10in 30T 70mm .125in .087in TCG 20deg GJ1030125K
10in 30T 5/8in .125in .087in TCG 20deg GJ1030125
10in 30T 5/8in .145in .102in TCG 20deg GJ1030
10in 40T 5/8in .126in .087in ATB 20deg GJ1040
300mm 36T ***80mm, 2 key 4.2mm 3.2mm TCG 20deg GJRM30036
300mm 48T ***80mm, 2 key 2.8mm 2.0mm TCG 20deg GJRM3004828
12in 36T 1in .160in .118in TCG 20deg GJ1236
12in 36T 70mm, 2 key .160in .118in TCG 20deg GJ1236K
12in 36T 3 1/8in .160in .118in TCG 20deg GJM1236157*
12in 48T 1in .157in .118in ATB 20deg GJ1248ATB
12in 50T 1in .134in .094in LRLRS 20deg GJL1250
14in 36T 1in .177in .138in TCG 20deg GJ1436177
14in 36T 2in, 2 PH .177in .138in ATB 20deg GJ1436DA**
14in 36T 2in, 2 PH .177in .138in TCG 20deg GJ1436DT**
14in 36T 3 1/8in .177in .138in TCG 20deg GJM1436T
16in 36T 2in, 2 PH .177in .138in TCG 20deg GJ1636**
16in 50T 1in .197in .138in TCG 20deg GJ1650
18in 48T 2in, 2 PH .180in .138in TCG 20deg GJ1848**

*Designed for Mereen-Johnson rip saws with 3 1/8" arbor and with one 1/4" keyway.
**Specially designed for cutting with Diehl saws, (2) 9/16" pinholes at 5" bolt circle.
***For Raimann Rip Saw with 4 small 7 mm pins & 2 large 14mm pins, plus 2 keyways.