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Filter Units

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Filter Units

Machine Coolant Filtration Units

These are examples of our standard designs below, but remember, we are scientists and engineers and love to build custom units as well.  We would love to build a custom unit designed around your specifications.  Call us at 1-800-346-8274 to get a free quote or to order a standard or custom Machine Coolant Filtration Unit.  For more information on our Machine Coolant Filtration Units visit our Filtration Unit Index or take a look at some of our Customer Reviews.

Filter Unit Explanations and Comparisons


CP 1000 - High performance, long life, low cost. A submersible pump drops in the sump and pumps though a bag filter. This gives very good filtering and very good filter life in light duty shops. Designed for use with manual equipment.

Shop for CP 1000


CP 2000 - Single pass, fine filtering. Optional sump for laser crystals, military, etc. This will work in very well in high capacity saw and tool shops but will need a filter change about every three days. Best with a separate sump where ultra fine polishing (think 2,000 grit) is needed.



CP 2002 - One-month filter life in saw shops. Best model for saw & tool shops. This unit is the result of seven years of constant development with the input of a couple hundred saw and tool operations from one man shops to major international manufacturers.

Shop for CP2002 for water based coolant

Shop for CP2002DB double bag for water based coolant

Shop for CP2002DB double bag for straight oil coolant


CP 2002–2 - Turn 2 valves and filter 2 sumps.  Makes it very easy to switch from one sump to the other by just switching two valves. Not good for filtering two sumps at the same time.

Shop for CP 2002-2


CP 2020 - 4 times filter life of 2002.  The CP 2020 has 6 times the capacity of the CP 2002) is solid, proven, hardworking, and has a huge capacity. The unit has a bag filter (typically 25 microns) followed by a cartridge filter (typically 5 microns). The unit can be configured as a parallel unit for polishing.

Shop for CP 2020 for Straight oil coolant

Shop for CP 2020 for water based coolant


CP 3000 - 3 filters.  Ultra clean filtering & long filter life.  The third filter serves as a polishing filter for ultra clean coolant.


filter_units-18.jpg   Turbo 2000 - A customer requested "silo" unit in stainless steel. This unit holds 10 - 10" filters or 5 - 20" filters. This gives an exceptionally large number of filter options including disposable, reusable and charcoal filters in sizes down to one micron. The open interior causes turbulence that increases efficiency by shifting flow to the most suitable area. An excellent unit for use as a polishing unit with a centrifugal filter system.

filter_units-19.jpg   Lab Unit - Optical shops, general lens grinding & other uses where appearance is essential. Quiet, clean pump and clean, white professional cover