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CSM Grinding Shop Order Flow

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CSM Grinding Shop Order Flow

1. Receiving - Saws are marked with customer's name with electric etch or engraving tool. Order is written giving any special instructions.

2. Cleaning - Saws are soaked in a solution of Oakite rust-stripper to loosen pitch, gum, and aluminum.

3. Wash & Dry - Saws are washed with fresh water, then dipped in a water soluble oil solution and dried.

4. Brazing - Saws are inspected and bad tips replaced as required.

5. Hammering - Saws are checked on a test runout arbor and hammered as required. Note on order.

6. Face Grind - Saws are face sharpened. Note on order.

7. Side Grind - Saws are side ground as required.  Note on order.

8. Top Grind - Saws are top ground as required.  Note on order.

9. Clean - Saws are sand blasted lightly, polished with grit paper or a brush or otherwise cleaned. 

10. Inspect & Dip - Saws are inspected and dipped in hot plastic to protect them.

11. Shipping - Order is completed and saws prepared for shipping.


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