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Simple Solutions to Brazing Problems

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Simple Solutions to Brazing Problems

About 80 - 90% that these answers will solve these problems.  If you want more details you can go to our Braze Failure Analysis page.  Or buy the books. 

You can also call 1-800 346-8274.

Term papers - Most of the information requested for term paper help is on this web site.   I won’t answer term paper questions until you have looked through the site.   If you are confused or have questions I don’t answer feel free to call or email but do your research first, please. 

These are the most common reasons people call us.  What follows are short, simple answers. 

  1. How Do I Braze
  2. Parts Won't Braze
  3. Tips Fall Off
  4. Weak Braze
  5. Tips Break
  6. Ugly Braze 
  7. Longer Tool Life
  8. Cleaning Saw Blades 


How To Braze

  • Clean your parts.  The carbide should be sanded or ground to a clean, bright condition.   The steel should be lightly sanded or ground and cleaned with a caustic cleaner or detergent.   If you are doing a few then do it yourself with a Dremel or a bench grinder.  If you are doing a lot get our treated carbideor pretinned carbide
  • Dip bits of braze alloy wire in Black Fluxand position between the two parts.
  • Heat the parts until the alloy flows. 
  • Hold the torch in one hand and a tool in the other hand to do final adjustment on the hot part. 



 Parts Won’t Braze

Tips Fall Off

  • If they just fall off it is cleanliness or flux 



Weak Braze

  • If they are easy to knock off then it may be cleanliness, wrong alloy or wrong flux.   Probably cleanliness and wrong alloy. 


Tips Break

  • Wrong braze alloy
  • Wrong tip material
  • Joint too thin
  • Improper heating 


Ugly Braze

  • Gaps not clean
  • Too much flow is too much flux and / or too much heat 


Longer Tool Life

  • Use better grade of tip material-  We sell Several different grades of Carbide.  Some may work better for certain applications.  Typically, longer wearing tips may not be as resistant to breakage, and really tough tips that resist breakage well may not wear as well.
  • Use right brazing alloy
  • Avoid overheating
  • Anneal after brazing 


Cleaning Saw Blades

  • Use about anything you want.  Really strong stuff, e.g. oven cleaner, can theoretically damage your blade if you soak in it for days so spray it on, scrub and rinse it off.  You’ll be fine.  Try to avoid carcinogens and explosives or highly inflammable substances.