he wood parts outside the finish line on a band saw and then glued up the curve. I then placed the glued up curve over my large arc radius template curve and attached it. I thought if I left roughly 3/8" of overhang this downcut flute cutter would just chew right through it like butter. Well what I discovered is that this bit digs in aggressively! That my strategy of just chewing away the extra wood waste was not a good idea less I destroy my final piece. So what I ended up doing is just taking away a little would at a time until I was close to my template where I could then take the final pass without the fear of violently chewing into the wood. So the lesson here is if you are trimming with this bit leave very little extra wood and you will have a much easier time of it and won't have to worry so much of destroying your fine work. After that piece was complete I had a number of of other trim curved pieces that trimmed up better suing the technique described. I also purchased the same bit without a trimming bearing. In this case I had the router attached to a 14' compass that I made. In this application I had to lower the router into the wood from the top and take each sweep. If I took small passes of 3/8" deep the cutting went quite well. The stock was 1 1/2" thick mahogany Read Less