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Saw Blades for Plywood, MDF and Particle Board

Circular saw blades for cutting Plywood, cutting MDF and cutting Particle Board

Tips for choosing a saw blade for cutting MDF, Plywood, and particle board:

  • Buy a triple chip blade or an ATB blade with a 10 or 15 degree hook.
  • A higher tip count will give you better cuts in MDF, Plywood, and Particle board.
  • Make sure the board is completely supported during the whole cut - absolutely no overhang without support.
  • Feed the material absolutely straight and steady against a guide.  2 x 4’s are not really good guides.  You can greatly affect cut quality, both good or bad, by how you feed.   Experiment with scrap material to make sure you are feeding correctly.
  • Keep the blade sharp.  Plywood and MDF are glued together.  The glue uses clay as a filler.  Clay is very small rocks so it really wears saw blades.

Oshlun, Popular Tools and Tenryu are immediately available about 98% of the time.  World’s Best are the best saw blades money can buy but require a short lead time as they are custom made blades.