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Carbide Processors' Office

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Carbide Processors' Office


This is what you see as soon as you come through our front door.   On the left are bookshelves with maybe 100 reference books or so.  With the rise of the Internet I went through my library and donated a couple hundred books.  The shelves are also full of samples of various projects over the years.

You can see Leslie there on the left, hard at work. That is Renée's desk in the middle. Renée's on the back right at Emily's desk because Emily is busy having a baby.

On the wall are some framed saw blades from customers.  The big one is a guided edger saw from a sawmill.  The smaller blades are ultraprecise blades that our customers / suppliers built for us.

The table and chairs serve us as a conference area.  I like to get as many relevant staff as possible into a conference.  I really believe in a philosophy where everybody gets to think. This is also close to the working desks because we are quite often interrupted by customers. So if we are in a meeting and you are trying to sell us something you have to convince everybody and there are going to be people leaving during the meeting and coming back because nothing is more important than taking care of the customer.


This is our office from the other direction. You can see our front door on the right.

The parakeets are on the far right just in front of the door.  The odd pieces of machinery in the back are a couple pieces that I had cut custom-built to run experiments.  The experiments were very successful and we solved the problems but the machines are kind of cool so I left them in the front office. 

On the left are some of the awards to us and newspaper articles about us.  Many years ago I had a consultant tell me that I ought to get this kind of thing and put it up. So I did.  I am proud of what I did and still very proud of what I am doing but I really do not feel the need for awards or recognition anymore. 

What thrills me and thrills all of us is being able to help a customer solve a problem. Emily, my office manager and daughter, says that most people who call us do so because they want a better tool. 

Well, that is where we work.  I guess it makes us look like a real business if you leave out the parakeets.  Lucky, the dog, wasn't in the pictures because he was trying to help me.